Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hard To Let Go

My heart is spilling over with emotion right now. Feelings of joy, pride, sadness and disbelief are overwhelming me - I just picked my daughter up from her first day of Kindergarten.

I sort of thought it wouldn't be such a big deal, that I probably wouldn't cry. I was wrong. As a family we walked her to her classroom and the tears began to well up in my eyes as we made our way down a staircase to meet her teachers. It just hit me that this little baby girl:

Is now a school girl:

When did that happen? Anyway, it was a total delight to hear about her day, the friends that she made and that she got chocolate milk at lunch (of course she would choose that kind!) She got a sticker for raising her hand before asking a question, and for obeying the rules.

Such a big day as this really IS harder on the parents. When we first got her to her classroom, she said "Bye Mom and Dad!" and immediately got settled right in. It is REALLY hard to let go sometimes.

Today especially.


Journeying Five said...

so true and so sweet, she looks adorable in her skirt and jean jacket!

PeePaw said...

She looks like the angel that she is. Just think how a grandfather thinks of his grand daughter's first day of school.