Monday, March 16, 2009

Something To Look Forward To

Aren't these tulips gorgeous? Just perfect for a rainy day I think. Unfortunately, they aren't growing my my yard because it isn't yet spring yet and there are very few signs of it around here. Living in the high desert means that spring doesn't really arrive until May or sometimes June. But while I have been pining away for sandal weather and blooming lilacs, I discovered a sign of new life in my own house ...

My amaryllis is getting ready to bloom again. And by again I mean for the third time since I brought it home. Thanksgiving of 2005 is when I obtained this red flowered beauty and it bloomed for the first time the following January of 2006. As long as it keeps producing leaves, I keep watering it. It bloomed for the second time on the day my son was born in March of 2007 and now it is making an appearance yet again. Oh how I look forward to seeing those brilliant red flowers!


Zil said...

Do you feed the amaryllis?

Kelly said...

I have never fed my amaryllis. Am I supposed to? I water it and pick off the dead leaves, it doesn't seem to need more involvement than that.

PeePaw said...

Well, our tulips, daffodils and crocus (sp) are coming out of the ground like an Atlas rocket. Sunday we could see four. Today about ten are poking up out of the ground. I am so excited ... Spring is almost here!