Saturday, April 11, 2009

I Could Never Be Eleni

Several years ago I was watching Martha Stewart. She had a guest on her show that owned bakery in New York called Eleni's Cookies. Eleni demonstrated how they bake, frost, package and sell dozens of cookies a day. It was pretty inspiring. That she uses sugar cookies as her palette and makes a living a selling her works of art.

So, yesterday as I was baking sugar cookies with my daughter I thought I would attempt to create fabulous works of art like Eleni.

Oh why do I do this to myself?

I am famous for taking on projects that are very time consuming and labor intensive and this was no exception! I can't just make frosting like normal people ... no! I have to make royal icing and try to create seamless images on my goofy looking cookies. Needless to say, I was not prepared for the amount of time it takes to ice these dang things and I am beginning to wonder if it was worth it.

To illustrate my point:

These are Eleni's cookies. They are uniform, full of color and detail. A real thing of beauty!

These are my cookies. My lamb looks like a llama, the cookies are shaped funny, and I got so burnt out of icing them, I only made two colors.

Why anyone would want to do this exhausting work for a living is beyond me. Don't worry, I won't quit my day job.


Jodiferkay said...

I think they look great! I have to admit though, before I started reading I saw the first pic and was totally jealous thinking you'd done those cookies. When I read your blog and saw the other pic, I still thought you did good but was relieved to know you ARE human like the rest of us! Most important is that they taste good! :) Happy Easter!

Kelly said...

Thank you Jodi! I am definitely human, and one who puts too much pressure on myself and who longs for perfection. I'm working on my unrealistic expectations all the time.

Happy Easter to you as well :)

Lindsay said...

I would eat them! They look great. What a fun project to take on with Erin for Good Friday. :)