Thursday, January 21, 2010

Too Far Gone

I was in the grocery store the other day and saw this on the rack as I was paying for my food:

This is seriously shocking! I don't necessarily want to give any more attention to this girl, but this upset me greatly. I think we all have things that we don't like about ourselves or secretly dream of improving, but taking it to the extreme and then being celebrated for it is repulsive.

My daughter is only five years old and therefore she still looks up to fictional animated characters, but I fear for the future when she starts looking to vapid Hollywood as role models. Especially since she is a natural performer and loves to feel glamorous at her young age.

This Heidi Montag person, who as far as I am concerned isn't famous for anything of value, actually said in an interview that through her ten cosmetic procedures she had discovered that beauty and confidence really does come from within ... but that she is so glad that she had all the surgery. This is just a reminder that I need to teach my children to be confident in who they are. That they are beautiful children of God. And that they are immeasurably valuable to me.

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