Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Giving Trees

I love that story, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.  It has an impactful story and my daughter cries every time she hears it.

In a much less emotional way, I feel as though my orchid plants are like little giving trees.  No matter how much I ignore them or neglect them they still keep on giving me beautiful blooms.  They have particularly liked sitting in the master bathroom window sill in our rental house, where there is a constant cover of condensation on the frosted pane.  Their shoots faithfully angle toward the light of the window and and they soak up the warm steam during a shower.  One flower is on the cusp of blooming and I can hardly wait to see the white and pink face looking back at me.

 Seriously, after the way I have treated these beauties, they should not be so kind to me.

1 comment:

Anna said...

I feel the same way about my orchids! What a marvel they are.

Looks like we are both expectant orchid mommies!