Thursday, March 26, 2009

Gotta Wear Shades

I just bought a new pair of sunglasses. I go through several pairs a year due to kids, my unfailing ability to drop them face-down on the pavement, and my indicision as to whether I like black or brown shades. That is just the reason why I never spend more than $14.99 on a pair!

Sunglasses are the perfect accessory. They serve me well in the high desert with the vast and cloudless sky, and the blinding snow. They are also essential for striking a fierce pose at the pesky paparazzi - combined with a simple scarf and some red lipstick, it always looks mysterious and chic.

I always go for the oversized, retro look. It fits my face well and hides my betraying eyes ... so you never know what I am really thinking.


heather said...

Love 'em! I bought a pair at White House, Black Market-they are so cool, I have had them for a few years now...and about 6 weeks ago, I dropped them and the lenses are now scratched. I think I will need to look into a new pair...

Anna said...

Ooo, la, la!