Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It's In The Genes

It would seem that my daughter is quite the artiste. With one art show down and I presume many more to go, her artistic inclination can be attributed to an entire gene pool of painters, sculptors and writers.

This evening we were invited to an art show featuring masterpieces by a chosen few from my daughter's elementary school. Amidst the drawings of pterodactyls and sponge painted depictions of the moon in its many phases, was my daughter's show stopping windsock. The colors delighted, the composition of the heart arrangement dazzled, and the sturdy paper construction was impressive.

Look out art aficionados, you'll want to clear some space on your wall in the near future.


Anna said...


heather said...

Awwwww...what a talented girl!

Lindsay said...

Elaina's artistic too. Good thing she doesn't get all things from her mommy! Beautiful, btw!!!